
Before Week 1

A. My best piece of creative work

The Redback spider Wall light
"High Commended Awards" at the Design Exhibition in
2008 UNSW Foundation Year
Inspired by the most poisonous spider in Australia
The image above: When the light turns on
The image below: When the light turns off

B. Something beautiful
Homer and Hippo is playing around on their cat scratcher
The first photography I have taken for my cats
by digital single lens reflex(DSRL).
I am quite happy with the peaceful atmosphere between them
in the photo. And the warm colour is my favourite~! ^_^

C. Great piece of architecture

Burj ul Arab
Designed to resemble a billowing sail, the hotel soars to a height of 321 metres, dominating the Dubai coastline. At night, it offers an unforgettable sight, surrounded by choreographed colour sculptures of water and fire. This all-suite hotel reflects the finest that the world has to offer.


Fiona Hall
When my boat comes in, 2002
ADJ: Natural
VERB: Wave
NOUN: Gloom

Rosalie Gascoigne
All that Jazz, 1989
ADJ: Messy
VERB: Drop
NOUN: Contrast

Tracey Moffatt
Something More # 5, 1989
Adj: Sharp
Verb: Stare
Noun: Sadness

