"Earth 4"
Rosalie Gascoigne
RosalieGascoigne is a New Zealander-Australian sculptor, she is widely regarded as one of the most important artists in Australia.This is a part of Rosalie Gascoigne's "Earth" serie.
She created this work at the age of 82. The work is made of wood, she cut the wood into pieces, and glued them together.She always perfre the materials that had a history.
Many of her earlier works referred mostly to her local environment, but "Earth" is much more related to the golbal environment.
The richness and and gloomy of the colour, from deep red through to brown and black
arouses the feeling of landscape.

Fiona Hall
This is a photograph of a detail of "Tender". The material is made from shredded US dollar bill.
Whole seris of work are many different kinds of bird nest which plays well with its organic form.
"Tender" contains many simulate bird nests of all shapes and sizes, all of the parts in "Tender"is made of US dollar bill which is the most valuble currency in the 3rd world countries, the dollar bill is made to assume the form of each differentiated birds habitat, at exactly the moment of modernisation, the spread of deforestation is depriving many birds, animals and even people,
of their environments. The consideration of environment is a serious topic of 21th century.
The image above is one of the detail from"Tender", it simulates a bird nest hanging on the branch. If you do not close up to it, the material of the nest is like some messy wires twines together with gloss.