Attempt 1:
The idea of this design is inspired from the old style Chinese house,szu-ho-yuan, the main activity area is round as a square or rectangle, and in the middle is the court yard.
In this primary design, the galley area occupies the whole ground level and half of the first level,
and all of the other rooms and apartment are located in first level, and the court yard is in the middle of the ground floor, people in the first floor can see the view of the court yard from the above corridor.
Attempt 2:
This attempt nearly changed all of the aspects from last attempt, I want to focus on the balance between the theme and the form of the building; the circulation when walking around the gallery; and the light effect. I have played with its shape, and moved the court yard from the middle to the front, but there were still many problems, such as the large quantity of windows on ground level wall, and the funny gaps between the gallery and the adjencent buildings. And also the rooms in first level were too big.