The Final Model(The transparent file is quite reflective, click to view bigger images)
The Concept Image(The Project is Constructed on the cliff, made of Glass and Concrete)
1. The Base(It is made as a cliff, to indicate the harsh Enveronment)
2. The Doors in the Room and the Stair
(Looks like a maze)

3.The Tunnels

4. The "Exit"
Concept: The concept I extract from the painting is Hopeless. The lady trys to figure out the current problems, she has explored so many ways, but finally she found all the ways were blocked.
With my model, the central dark "block" is the room, the characters is traped in the room, it is a almost black area, the maze doors made her confuse, she enter any of the door and find a little bit light at the front, the light is just come through the tunnels in front of her(I regard the tunnels as the solutions), she track the path of the light and finally reach the destination, there is the sunlight, she can see what happens clearly in front, she want to get out and get the fresh air but she found the "exit" is tightly blocked by a big glass, then she returns to find other ways out, she is busy all day in the room to find the right way out, but at last she finds that all the "exits" are blocked, which lead her into a hopeless situation.
The Base: The Project is located on the cliff to indicate her steep situation, her life is easy to ruin.
The Transparent Box(Glass Box): The Glass Box is made of transparent film, in my idea, it represent the obstacles to prevent her from solving the problems. I made it transparent because accroading to the painting, her mood is very obvious, she is depressed and worried, everybody can understand her mood from her countenance. And there is another point, the lady in the Glass Box is a person with a very limited outlook, she thought the "exits" are only blocked by a small piece of glass wall, she is very poor of trapping in the dark and can only see narrow views from the "exits", she cannot see the wide view, she do not know what happens outside and where she situated is surrounded by a big Glass Box, this is another expression of hopeless with my model.
The Room(Central "Bolck" and Tunnels-Conctere): The Room is made of black cardboard to show a almost dark area. The doors in the Central Block lead her to the tunnels, the doors are in different shapes and height, it can easily make her get confused in the dark. The Tunnels are complex to indicate the complxity in her heart, is it made in different shapes and height represent different solutions, and also some of the ends of the tunnel are blocked by glass wall(bright), a small quantity of ends are blocked by normal concrete wall(totally dark).